These posts are tales of an amazing journey, Jonah. They take us through your discoveries and we find ourselves in the same lightbulb moments. A long time ago (1979) while working at VT Log Homes/Timberpeg - before universal ADA compliance laws were passed I remember that we relied on MA and NYC accessible design standards (as they were the most stringent at the time). The conundrum of at least 20% (VT) vs. at most 20% (fed.) spending requirements could prove to be the crack in the door that will help legislators such as Jim Masland to move things forward.

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Thanks Susan, let's hope so!

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Sometimes very junior people write up things like the FAQ and get it wrong. That said, not sure if you have met Jim Masland yet, he knows this work and he is a state rep for Thetford/Norwich. He may have some insights as to who in the legislature would be interested in taking a deep dive on this aspect of our affordable housing crunch.

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That's a great point. I should reach out to Jim. Important that more folks responsible for legislation understand what's happening.

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